How Partners are helping Atlassian become a $10B Company

Building a flexible platform for your products and a strategic ecosystem around them is the key to fueling sustained growth. But when you’re in the throes of putting it together, it’s challenging to track the countless workstreams, investments, and partnerships involved – not to mention bringing all these pieces into alignment.
Atlassian's CRO recently shared some insights on how Ecosystems and Partnerships can help SaaS businesses grow:
Some of his key take-a ways for Partnership strategy and teams are below.
1. Partners can help fill gaps or enrich your product experiences

By being objective in spotting gaps in your own product offerings, and listening to what customers are asking for, you can find areas where Partners can help to enrich your first-party experiences.
2. Their will always be more capacity in the ecosystem, than in your company

It will never be possible for internal teams to build everything that customers need. Your ecosystem is full of talent to help address this imbalance. Create the conditions for them to be successful.
3. Perfect is the enemy of Good

Launch an EAP of your marketplace or APIs. Just do something and let your ecosystem help you figure out what is important. Don't wait until things are perfect or ready for prime time.
4. Focus on engagement and coverage before monetization

As you start it's important to be patient, and focus on positive outcomes for customers and partners. Once your ecosystem begins to grow and be adopted you can work on the right monetization model for participants.
"If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together”
- African Proverb
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